Running the Test
You are now ready to run your recorded test script and to analyze the test results. WinRunner provides three modes for running tests. You select a mode from the toolbar.
• Use Verify mode when running a test to check the behavior of your application, and when you want to save the test results.
• Use Debug mode when you want to check that the test script runs smoothly without errors in syntax. See Lesson 7 for more information.
• Use Update mode when you want to create new expected results for a GUI checkpoint or bitmap checkpoint. See Lessons 5 and 6 for more information.
To run the test:
1 Check that WinRunner and the main window of the Flight Reservation application are open on your desktop.
2 Make sure that the lesson3 test window is active in WinRunner. Click the title bar of the lesson3 test window. If the test is not already open, choose File > Open and select the test.
3 Make sure the main window of the Flight Reservation application is active. If any dialog boxes are open, close them.
4 Make sure that Verify mode is selected in the toolbar.
5 Choose Run from Top. Choose Run > Run from Top or click the Run from Top button. The Run Test dialog box opens.

6 Choose a Test Run name. Define the name of the folder in which WinRunner will store the results of the test. Accept the default folder name "res1." The results folder will be stored within the test’s folder. Note the Display Test Results at end of run check box at the bottom of the dialog box. When this check box is selected, WinRunner automatically displays the test results when the test run is completed. Make sure that this check box is selected.
7 Run the test. Click OK in the Run Test dialog box. WinRunner immediately begins running the test. Watch how WinRunner opens each window in the Flight Reservation application.
8 Review the test results. When the test run is completed, the test results automatically appear in the WinRunner Test Results window. See the next section to learn how to analyze the test results.