You run the data-driven test just like any other test in WinRunner. When the test run is completed, the results for all iterations are included in a single Test Results window.
1 Make sure that the Flight 1A Flight Reservation application is open on your desktop.
2 In WinRunner, check that Verify mode is selected in the Standard toolbar.
3 Choose Run from Top.
Choose Run > Run from Top, or click the Run from Top button. The Run Test dialog box opens. Accept the default test run name, "res1". Make sure that the Display Test Results at End of Run check box is selected.
4 Run the test.
Click OK in the Run Test dialog box. The test will run through the parameterized section of the script five times, once for each row in the data table.
1 Make sure that the Flight 1A Flight Reservation application is open on your desktop.
2 In WinRunner, check that Verify mode is selected in the Standard toolbar.
3 Choose Run from Top.
Choose Run > Run from Top, or click the Run from Top button. The Run Test dialog box opens. Accept the default test run name, "res1". Make sure that the Display Test Results at End of Run check box is selected.
4 Run the test.
Click OK in the Run Test dialog box. The test will run through the parameterized section of the script five times, once for each row in the data table.
5 Review the results.
When the test run is completed, the test results appear in the WinRunner Test Results window.
When the test run is completed, the test results appear in the WinRunner Test Results window.

Note that the tl_step event is listed five times and that the details for each iteration include the actual number of tickets, price and total cost that was checked.
6 Close the test results.
Choose File > Exit to close the Test Results window.
7 Close the Flight Reservation application.
Choose File > Exit.
8 Close the lesson8 test.
Choose File > Close.
Choose File > Exit to close the Test Results window.
7 Close the Flight Reservation application.
Choose File > Exit.
8 Close the lesson8 test.
Choose File > Close.