Running the Test on a New Version
In this exercise you will run the lesson5 test on a new version of the Flight
Reservation application in order to check the behavior of its GUI objects.
1 Open version 1B of the Flight Reservation application.
Choose Programs > WinRunner > Sample Applications > Flight 1B on the
Start menu. In the Login window, type your name and the password mercury,
and click OK. Position the Flight Reservation application and WinRunner so that
they are both clearly visible on your desktop.
2 Make sure that lesson5 is the active test.
Click in the lesson5 test window in WinRunner.
3 Check that Verify mode is selected in the toolbar.
4 Choose Run from Top.
Choose Run > Run from Top, or click the Run from Top button. The Run Test
dialog box opens. Accept the default test run name "res2." Make sure that the
Display Test Results at End of Run check box is selected.
5 Run the test.
Click OK. The test run begins. This process might take a while.
If a mismatch is detected at a GUI checkpoint, click Continue in the message
Reservation application in order to check the behavior of its GUI objects.
1 Open version 1B of the Flight Reservation application.
Choose Programs > WinRunner > Sample Applications > Flight 1B on the
Start menu. In the Login window, type your name and the password mercury,
and click OK. Position the Flight Reservation application and WinRunner so that
they are both clearly visible on your desktop.
2 Make sure that lesson5 is the active test.
Click in the lesson5 test window in WinRunner.
3 Check that Verify mode is selected in the toolbar.
4 Choose Run from Top.
Choose Run > Run from Top, or click the Run from Top button. The Run Test
dialog box opens. Accept the default test run name "res2." Make sure that the
Display Test Results at End of Run check box is selected.
5 Run the test.
Click OK. The test run begins. This process might take a while.
If a mismatch is detected at a GUI checkpoint, click Continue in the message
6 Review the results.
When the test run is completed, the test results appear in the WinRunner Test
Results window. In the test log section, one "end GUI checkpoint" statement
appears in red and its Result field lists "mismatch." This indicates that one or
more of the checks performed on the object failed.
Double-click the red "end GUI checkpoint" event to view detailed results of the
failed check. The GUI Checkpoint Results dialog box opens. Select Customer
Name to display the dialog box as follows:
When the test run is completed, the test results appear in the WinRunner Test
Results window. In the test log section, one "end GUI checkpoint" statement
appears in red and its Result field lists "mismatch." This indicates that one or
more of the checks performed on the object failed.
Double-click the red "end GUI checkpoint" event to view detailed results of the
failed check. The GUI Checkpoint Results dialog box opens. Select Customer
Name to display the dialog box as follows:

7 Close the Test Results window.
Click OK in the GUI Checkpoint Results dialog box and then choose File > Exit
to close the Test Results window.
8 Close the lesson5 test.
Choose File > Close.
9 Close version 1B of the Flight Reservation application.
Choose File > Exit.
Click OK in the GUI Checkpoint Results dialog box and then choose File > Exit
to close the Test Results window.
8 Close the lesson5 test.
Choose File > Close.
9 Close version 1B of the Flight Reservation application.
Choose File > Exit.