Monday, June 11, 2007

Creating Datapools

A datapool is a source of variable test data that scripts can draw from during playback.

If a script sends data to a server during playback, consider using a datapool as the source of the data. By accessing a datapool, a script transaction that is executed multiple times during playback can send realistic data and even unique data to the server each time. If you do not use a datapool, the same data (the exact data you recorded) is sent each time the transaction is executed.

TestManager is shipped with many commonly used data types, such as cities, states, names, and telephone area codes. In addition, TestManager lets you create your own data types.

When creating a datapool, you specify the kinds of data (called data types) that the script will send — for example, customer names, addresses, and unique order numbers or product names. When you finish defining the datapool, TestManager automatically generates the number of rows of data that you specify.

Analyzing Results in the Log and Comparators

You use TestManager to view the logs that are created when you run scripts and schedules.

Use the log to:

View the results of running a script,
including verification point failures, procedural failures, aborts, and any additional playback information. Reviewing the results in the log reveals whether each script and verification point passed or failed.

Use the Comparators

Analyze the results of verification points
to determine why a script may have failed. Robot includes four Comparators:

- Object Properties Comparator
– Text Comparator
– Grid Comparator
– Image Comparator

When you select the line that contains the failed Object Properties verification point and click View > Verification Point, the Object Properties Comparator opens, as shown in the following figure. In the Comparator, the Baseline column shows the original recording, and the Actual column shows the playback that failed. Compare the two files to determine whether the difference is an intentional change in the application or a defect.