Robot provides specialized support for testing the objects in applications that are created in many integrated development environments (IDEs).
To successfully test the objects in Oracle Forms, HTML, Java, C++, Delphi, and Visual Basic 4.0 applications, you need to enable the applications as follows before you start recording your scripts:
- Oracle Forms – Install the Rational Test Enabler for Oracle Forms. Run the Enabler to have it add the Rational Test Object Testing Library and three triggers to the .fmb files of the application.
- HTML – While recording or editing a script, use the Start Browser toolbar button to start Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator from Robot. This loads the Rational ActiveX Test Control, which lets Robot recognize Web-based objects.
- Java – Run the Java Enabler to have it scan your hard drive for Java environments such as Web browsers and Sun JDK installations that Robot supports. The Java Enabler only enables those environments that are currently installed.
- C/C++ – To test the properties and data of ActiveX controls in your applications, install the Rational ActiveX Test Control. This is a small, nonintrusive custom control that acts as a gateway between Robot and your application. It has no impact on the behavior or performance of your application and is not visible at runtime. Manually add the ActiveX Test Control to each OLE container (Window) in your application.
- Visual Basic 4.0 – Install the Rational Test Enabler for Visual Basic. Attach the Enabler to Visual Basic as an add-in. Have the Enabler add the Rational ActiveX Test Control to every form in the application. This is a small, nonintrusive custom control that acts as a gateway between Robot and your application.
- Delphi – Install the Rational Object Testing Library for Delphi and the Rational Test Delphi Enabler. Run the Enabler, and then recompile your project to make it Delphi testable.
You can install the Enablers and the ActiveX Test Control from the Rational Software Setup wizard.